- Computer Science 1 -

This is my webpage for GITA 1, I am learning C# this year. We are
using Visual Studios to code our projects. I am new to coding
but I learned a lot.

Goodbye World
This project uses four buttons to change the language of the word "Goodbye", with four different options.

About Page
We made a fake webpage for a company. Buttons produced a logo, background, name, slogan, & colors were able to change.

Mailing Label
This project uses textboxes and buttons to make an output with the user's inputs in the form of a mailing label.

This project uses textboxes, labels, & buttons to create a MadLibs story based on the user's inputs.

Car Rental
This project inputs produces a label, calculates the price for renting a car based off of user input, & manger info.

Body Mass Index (BMI)
This project uses user input calculate BMI, an average BMI, total number of sumbitted inputs, & daily meal plans.

Car Rental Upgrade
This project is an upgraded verison of the car rental program. It allows users to select ugrades and cars with many prices.

Test Score
This project uses two user inputed score to calculate the letter grade, average, & highest score of the two values.

Dice Probabilities
This project randomly rolls two dices. It calculates the total number of rolls, total times a sum was rolled, and the probabilty of rolling a specific sum.

Craps Game
This project simulates a Las Vegas called "craps". There are two different sets of rules depending on the round & number rolled.

Slot Machine
This project allows the user to deposit a bet to roll, when three of the same icons are rolled, the user wins the jackpot, if not money is added.

Taco Shop
This project stiulates a taco shop, allowing users to order miltiple tacos with different options per order. It also calculates the average sales.

Rock, Paper, Scissor,
Lizard, Spock!
This project replicates a game of rock, paper, scissor, lizard, spock between two people. It can hide and reveal submitted answers.

Stair Walker
This project moves a character up & down the stairs & is able to open a door. The number of steps and times the door opens is kept track of.

2D Submarines
This program uses random numbers to move 2 submarines around the ocean. The submarines loose health upon hitting the bounds and obstacles.

Tic Tac Toe
This stimulates a game of tic tac toe between two players. Once a player wins, the game restarts and adds a point to the counter.

Basic AI
This project allows the user to run from the AI character (rat), the player (cheese) tries to survive for 1 minute. Everytime the AI touches the player, the player looses health. Using the space bar to shoot, the player can kill the rat after hitting it 5 times.

Star Field
We used foreloops to make the stars in our universe grow, move diagonally,and respawn in a continuous cycle.

Fishing Simulator
This progrm stimulates a fishing game, where there is a shark who kills fish in the ocean. The player can catch fish by lowering the hook. The game ends when all of the fish die.

Number Array
A 100 random numbers are generated (1-100), the program calculates the the odd, even, highest, lowest, and average of the number set.

Bee Simulator
The user presses the space key spawning a bee. The bee flies to the flower, pollinating it. Once the bee pollinates the flower, it flies to the hive and disappears from the form.

Final Project:
Cooking Frenzy
In this project we used everything we learned throughout this year to create our own project.

My final project is a remake of the Google Dinosaur Game, but it is cooking/kitchen themed. The goal of the game is to survive, by dodging the obstacles and collecting the ingredients.